Exchange of quantum fields by method of group embedding

author: Daniel L. Miller

abstract: The exchange between any 2 out of N quantum fields is investigated by raising symmetry from SO(1; 3) to SO(N; 3N), rotating 4N dimensional space and lowering the symmetry back to SO(1; 3). We track the exchange matrix for SO(1; 3) spinors (expected to be anticommuting) and products of even number of spinors (expected to be tensors and therefore commuting). For spinors the theory turns out to be supersymmetric. Vector fields are commuting. The transformation causes a scalar field to become pseudoscalar, so commutation rules for scalars cannot be computed by this method

DecompositionAndExchange-2017ww10-ELSA One Column

DecompositionAndExchange-2017ww01-PRA Two Columns

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