Biphoton bound state right above e-p pair birth threshold

The Antiworld Review №9, 2023

author: Daniel L. Miller

title: Biphoton bound state right above e-p pair birth threshold

abstract: In this letter, a biphoton state of matter that is an instant interplay between electromagnetic energy and electron-positron pairs is reported. The biphoton ladder diagram right above the e-p pair birth threshold is summed up. Only one ladder diagram is most relevant, and the obtained propagator has a diffusion pole, with the diffusion coefficient expressed as D ∼ α−2ℏ/m ∼ 2 × 104cm2/s, where α is the fine-structure constant and m is the electron mass. This diffusion coefficient, dependent only on fundamental constants, can describe an observable macroscopic object, for example, ball lightning. This is a realization of an object with oscillation of energy between an electromagnetic field and an e-p pair. The energy is preserved, but the momentum is getting randomized. This continuous oscillation holds energy localized in space, expanding relatively slowly following the diffusion equation.


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